By making small, regular payments from your pre-tax pay, you can ensure that women facing homelessness have shelter and support every step of the way.
Why choose Workplace Giving?
- It’s automated. Once you’re set up, you don’t need to do anything. Your donations will be recorded on your payslip and you’ll receive a tax receipt at the end of the financial year.
- Your donations are pre-tax, so your taxable income is reduced.
- If your employer has a matched giving program, your donation could be doubled, increasing your impact!
Workplace giving means you can donate to YWCA Australia through your employer’s payroll system. Your donations are made from your pre-tax salary which means you receive the tax benefit straight away rather than waiting until the end of financial year.
What is my impact?
YWCA provides housing and services to women and gender diverse people experiencing or at risk of homelessness and housing insecurity.
Your donations will be used wherever they’re needed most.
Safe, Affordable Housing
YWCA Australia provides a variety of housing options to women and their families at risk of or experiencing homelessness across Northern Territory, Queensland and Victoria. We are a registered Community Housing Provider, and also provide affordable housing options for women and their families.
Tailored Support
Our services and programs are designed to give women and their families the right support and housing at the right time. Our experienced team members provide personalised support to suit individual needs. Through our services and programs, clients find stability, begin to feel safe and secure and progress their goals for their future.
Leadership Pathways
We believe women with lived experience of homelessness and housing insecurity should have a say on the solutions. We recognise women with lived experience have unique insights to offer to government and service providers, and we provide pathways so they can inform the design of systems, policies and programs.
The following amount to YWCA each pay period can:
$25 provides a week of essential food items for one person.
$50 gives essential clothing to a woman rebuilding her life.
$100 offers one-night’s emergency accommodation for a woman at risk.
$250 covers a week of accommodation for a family without secure housing.
Want to double your impact? Ask your employer to match your donation.
How to give through a Workplace Giving Program
- Find out if your organisation has a Workplace Giving Program.
- If they do, nominate YWCA Australia as your charity of choice and select your donation amount.
- Your employer will then make these donations to YWCA Australia on your behalf.
If your organisation doesn’t have a workplace giving program, click here to find out how to set one up.
How to create a Workplace Giving Program
Please download our employee guide, form, donations posters and infographic posters in the workplace giving resources below to help bring your workplace giving program to life with your team. We’ve got even more assets and helpful information to send you, so please get in touch.
Contact YWCA Australia
Got a question about workplace giving? Get in touch with the YWCA Australia team at