Members join YWCA because they are passionate about driving social change and removing the barriers to women’s housing insecurity.
We make it easy for our members to contribute through advocacy and fundraising opportunities to support us as we work to ensure all women, gender diverse people and their families have a safe, secure and affordable home, and can build the future they want.
Not only will you have the opportunity to contribute to real, systemic progress for gender equality in our country, you will also be joining a network of female leaders and have the opportunity to:
- Be part of a global intersectional feminist movement
- Vote for Directors and Nominations Committee members
- Attend the Annual General Meeting
- Apply to attend UN CSW and World YWCA’s World Council
- Nominate, or be awarded Life membership in recognition of significant contribution to YWCA
- Apply to be a Director, Nominations Committee Member, or Finance, Audit and Risk Committee Member
- Apply to be a Young Women’s Council Member or a Board Trainee (30 and under)
- Nominate for World YWCA Director and Committee roles, access World YWCA organised events and connect to other World YWCAs.