Media Release: New research reveals homelessness crisis for regional women
Shocking new research has revealed one in eight women living in regional Australia has been homeless in the past five years and one in four has lived in temporary accommodation because they couldn’t afford the private rental market.
Lost jobs and missed opportunities: How young women’s financial security and careers will take a COVID-19 hit
Young women are likely to experience the greatest health and economic impacts from the COVID-19 crisis, writes Sarah Hill, Young Women’s Development Manager at YWCA Australia. First published on Women’s Agenda on 5 May 2020.
It’s World YWCA Day!
April 24 marks World YWCA Day. Every year on this date, YWCAs around the world celebrate this day and recognise the movement’s efforts in creating positive change for all wom*n around the world.
Top Four Tips for Supporting Feminist Local Businesses
Across the nation, Australians have seen local business struggle as society weathers the impact of COVID-19. Many small businesses are also facing the double burden of the tragic bushfires and floods that affected so many earlier this year.
Tips to Isolate Like a Feminist
We are living in challenging times. We’re all staying at home more than we normally would, and rightly so. But physical distancing shouldn’t mean social distancing, and it certainly doesn’t mean that our feminist activities stop altogether. Here are some tips on how you can isolate like a feminist!
Our Guide to Chairing a Feminist Virtual Meeting
If this is your first time chairing a virtual meeting or if you want to polish up your skills, here are our top tips for chairing a feminist, inclusive, and intersectional meeting. This is all about bringing the values of compassion, respect and collaboration in our daily interactions and spaces we occupy.