YWCA Australia has a long and proud tradition of grassroots membership engagement, from ‘Girl Citizen’ and ‘Young Wives’ clubs in the early 1900s, through to women’s clubs for older members and networking groups for young professional women today.
YWCA continues our tradition of capturing, retaining and growing our local voice with the establishment of Feminist Local Action Groups (FLAGs) and Friendship Groups. These groups have been developed after extensive consultation with our members and existing local clubs and groups, and will inform and support the ongoing work of YWCA Australia across the country.
This Toolkit is a guide for you to get involved with a FLAG and further your engagement with YWCA Australia as a valued member. Check out the summary below of our FLAGs and Friendship Groups.
Feminist Local Action Groups
Advocate, fundraise and support the work of YWCA Australia.
- Member led
- Advocate, fundraise and promote membership
- Contribute to national and local campaigns
- Have geographic or virtual locations
- Engage with local and national offices
- Can apply for annual funding of up to $1000 for campaigns or events
Friendship Groups
Builds and maintains social connection and friendship of YWCA members.
- Member led
- Meet regularly around social or sporting activities
Run local events with guest speakers - Undertake general fundraising activities
- Located in a local community/region
- Engage with local offices
- Can apply for annual funding of up to $100 for events
Feminist Local Action Groups
Get involved!
YWCA Australia’s Feminist Local Action Groups operate around the country, supporting national fundraising, advocacy and events. These groups amplify passionate local voices and communicate local needs and ideas into the work of YWCA Australia.
FLAGs are a vital part of our membership, harnessing the grassroots power of women, young women and girls to effect social change at a local and national level. You will have the opportunity to build advocacy, event management and networking skills, and promote gender equality and women’s leadership.
Get involved and become part of our movement of Women Leading Change!
All FLAG members must be YWCA Australia members, which comes with a range of other benefits. You can either join as a member first or call us.
Contact us: Email the Communications Team at or call 02 9285 6286 to register your interest. We’ll put you in touch with your nearest FLAG or help you get yours started.
Fill in any relevant forms and email or return hard-copies to YWCA Australia:
- You will find these forms on our website or contact us and we’ll post them to you
- Send paper copies of forms to YWCA Australia, 5/66 Wentworth Street, Surry Hills NSW, 2010
- You will need to comply with all our Code of Conduct and all Fundraising, Branding and Reporting Guidelines.
We can put you in touch with an existing FLAG, or use your networks to start your own!
FLAGs operate autonomously, so you determine when, how and where you meet, and what campaigns you organise. This way, you can tailor your activities to the needs and interests of your FLAG. YWCA Australia will stay in touch with you and provide support where required.
Communications Team: To answer any questions and provide support for advocacy, fundraising, membership, marketing, events and social media.
Local offices: Your nearest local office will provide local support and engagement opportunities when possible.
Leadership opportunities: We’re all about supporting women, young women and girls on their leadership journey. Whether it’s being invited to speak at a YWCA Australia event, or volunteering for our diverse range of programs, advocacy campaigns and media opportunities, there are many opportunities to build your leadership through FLAGs.
Ongoing engagement with YWCA Australia: Stay connected with YWCA Australia program staff, regional managers, executive directors and board members through regular FLAG email updates and opportunities to attend events and provide feedback.
Resources are all available on the YWCA Australia website or you can request paper copies by contacting the Communications Team. Here is a list of the resources you may need to use as part of FLAG compliance:
Registration Form: To be completed when a new FLAG is formed. This form includes the names and contact details of the members of your group, and should be updated when new members are added.
FLAG Member Form: To be completed by every FLAG member as a requirement of becoming a YWCA Australia volunteer.
Meeting Record Form: Can be used for record keeping at FLAG meetings.
Project Proposal Form: To be completed when your FLAG has an event, fundraising or advocacy campaign idea. If you wish to apply for our annual funding round (of up to $1000), you will need to complete the Budget Proposal section of the form and comply with financial reporting guidelines. Your project proposal (including budget) must be approved by YWCA Australia before you proceed.
Project Planning Checklist: Use this Checklist to ensure you have considered various elements of project planning, implementation and evaluation. This Checklist is not exhaustive, so get in touch if you want to add suggestions or explore ideas.
Project Outcomes Form: To be used when a project is complete or has achieved a milestone, as a tool for reflection and review for the group and YWCA Australia.
Annual Financial Reporting Form: To be completed at the end of the financial year only
if your FLAG collects or manages funds on behalf of YWCA Australia.
Click on the tabs below to read more on each topic
It is important that your FLAG complies with YWCA Australia guidelines and use the Toolkits as instructed. If you have any further ideas for tools or guidelines that will assist your FLAG please email us at
Your individual membership: As a member of a FLAG you will also need to be a YWCA Australia member. In addition, you will be considered a YWCA Australia volunteer, so you will need to comply with our Volunteer Policy and complete volunteer registration forms for our records.
Insurance: As per our Volunteer Insurance Policy, you will be covered under YWCA Australia’s Public Liability Insurance and Professional Indemnity Insurance when engaged in activities on behalf of YWCA Australia.
National Events, Fundraising & Advocacy Campaigns: YWCA Australia may issue national event, fundraising and advocacy campaigns for FLAGs to consider for engagement at a local level. We are developing an Advocacy Toolkit and Fundraising Toolkit to assist you, and where possible we will provide you with other support such as marketing materials or administrative support for fundraising/ticket sales.
Your FLAG can support national events or campaigns, and we encourage you fundraise for YWCA Australia to support our programs and advocacy work, and build our membership.
New members can sign up here:
Donations can be made here:
Fundraise for YWCA Australia here:
YWCA Australia and any local groups that use YWCA’s name in any way, must abide by State and Territory laws to ensure that funds raised are spent according to the purposes under which the funds were raised.
Any group that is fundraising using the name of YWCA Australia, must be raising funds for the work – the programs, services and advocacy areas – of YWCA Australia. A letter from YWCA Australia will need to be obtained from the Communications Team to confirm that your group is able to fundraise on behalf of YWCA Australia.
Please refer to the Fundraising Toolkit available on our website, to ensure you are complying with all requirements. Some initiatives may require additional local support to ensure fundraising compliance is met.
Events & Campaign Guidelines
All events and advocacy campaigns must align to the YWCA purpose and strategic priorities.
Where you are involved with an event or campaign you will liaise with the Communications Team to ensure your event or campaign reflects YWCA Australia and our goals. Talk to us about any additional requirements such as staff time, in-kind support or funds management support for your events or campaigns.
If you are running an Advocacy campaign please refer to our Advocacy Toolkit available on our website.
Collecting and handling Money
All funds collected and managed over $500 will need to be reported to YWCA Australia using the Financial Reporting Form.
If your FLAG is raising and managing funds for your own purposes (such as an event), you may wish to open up your own bank account. You will need to make sure you:
- Meet as a group and make a motion to open a bank account
- Nominate and list the signatories (e.g. the President and Treasurer) and sign the minutes from that meeting
- Take 100 points of ID into the nominated bank and open the account
- Name the bank account ‘YWCA + Group Type + Location’ (e.g. ‘YWCA FLAG Perth’)
- If your fundraising activity requires tax-deductible receipts, it will need to be approved by and reported to YWCA Australia (by using the Financial Reporting Form).
If you are fundraising to support a YWCA Australia-led campaign or program, we can help you set up a Raisely crowdfunding campaign. You can also make donations or deposit income directly into YWCA Australia’s account:
Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)
Account Name: YWCA Australia
Bank: NAB
BSB: 082 057
Account No: 83 508 3684
Description: “Name of Group”
Brand Guidelines
All FLAGs are required to operate in accordance with the brand guidelines and align with YWCA Australia’s vision, values and purpose.
In the event that any YWCA Group conducts itself in a manner which brings the YWCA name into disrepute or is deemed to be not in the interests of YWCA Australia or aligned to our brand, purpose, vision and values, we reserve the right to take one or more of the following actions:
- Request removal of specific material, images and wording.
- Request the Group issue an apology.
- Disassociate the Group thus removing the ability for the said group to use or associate itself with YWCA Australia.
Social Media Guidelines
YWCA Australia has a primary account for most social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube).
FLAGs may promote their activities on YWCA Australia’s social media,
by liaising with the Communications Team (email
All proposed content will be considered in relation to organisational context, ongoing social media priorities and scheduling, so be sure to include sufficient details and lead in time.
All social media activities conducted by FLAG members that refer to YWCA (on both organisational and personal pages) must abide by YWCA Australia’s social media policy and processes.
YWCA Australia encourages FLAGs to establish online groups such as a closed Facebook Group to facilitate ongoing connection, communication and administration. If you need help to support or establish an online group, please contact the Communications Team.
Globally, YWCA has provided Safe Spaces to women and girls in the heart of local communities for over 160 years and the concept has been used to improve the services and programs, reaching over 25 million women, young women and girls in over 100 countries around the world
YWCA in Australia has been creating Safe Spaces for women, young women and girls since the 1870’s. Safe Spaces can be literal spaces of safety that offer shelter and care to those in need, but can also be environments and ways of working that are designed to facilitate trust, confidentiality, dignity and respect.
YWCA Australia is committed to embedding Safe Spaces philosophy and practice into all programs and services.
We expect our local groups to support us in this by ensuring everyone feels safe and can meaningfully participate to the best of their abilities.
Contact information
The Communications Team will be your first point of contact and support:
Phone: (02) 9285 6286