We all have a responsibility to challenge disrespect towards women
Collective action is powerful. If individuals take a stand, this will strengthen the impetus for all levels of government to create fair and equitable polices and for workplaces to create spaces that are safe for all women.
We can all do our part to end modern slavery
We must remember that the freedom of one, will never equal the freedom of all. Abolishing modern slavery will be a prolonged and heavy journey. However, with your support, we can save lives. The system must be dismantled, and we must help break it.
Investing in young women’s leadership leads to better outcomes for everyone
While young women disproportionately experience many of the great social challenges of today , they also have the skills and creativity to developing new thinking and solutions to these challenges, informed by their lived experience.
The Underrepresentation of Women in the Australian Legal Profession
Written by Laura Kemp. Laura is currently a high school student, with an interest in studying law at University.
Marking International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people
Today, International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, YWCA Australia supports and stands alongside Palestinian peoples and their pursuit of peace and justice.
Highlights from the 2020 AGM
On the evening of 19 November 2020, YWCA Australia held a virtual Annual General Meeting for the first time in our 140-year history, enabling members from across the country to participate in this important governance meeting.